How Do Dart Players Count So Quickly?

Key Takeaways
- You don’t have to be great at mathematics, however a basic requirement for counting fast in darts is to be able to subtract
- Repetition and memorization are key skills to help you improve at counting
- Players can get quicker at counting by practicing, breaking down large numbers, matching number combinations, using a pen and paper and chalking for others
- Electronic scoreboards, calculators and darts apps should be avoided if you want to get better at adding up in darts using mental arithmetic
Do You Need to Be Good at Maths to Play Darts?
No, you don’t need to be good at math to play darts. Most players only have basic skills in subtraction and addition, but they have incredible memorization of number combinations, developed through repetition.
Even if you are not comfortable with addition and subtraction, with enough practice, you will become more at ease because you are mostly dealing with the same numbers over and over again.
To get faster at counting in darts, it’s best to first memorize the way a dartboard is numbered, and then know exactly what every treble, double and single is worth.
- There are 20 numbered segments on a dartboard.
- The outer ring is known as the double ring as it doubles the numbered segment it surrounds, while the smaller inner ring triples it and is known as the triple bed.
- The two larger beds on the segment are known as singles, and each dart that lands in the single scores the number of that segment.
- The concentric circle in the middle of the board is the bullseye and is made up of a red bullseye and a green bullseye.
- The inner bullseye (Red circle) is considered a double and is worth 50 points.
- The outer bullseye is a single and worth 25 points.
How Do You Get Better at Counting in Darts Faster?
The number one way to get faster at counting darts is through repetition and memorization of the different numbered segments.
No matter what you try from this article, or how you attempt to memorize numbers, it’s going to take lots of the same practice.
So let me get into how you can get better at counting in darts faster.
Memorization of Number Combinations
Memorization of number combinations is an essential skill.
It involves learning the various ways to reach a specific number on the dartboard with different combinations.
To improve your memorization of number combinations skills:
- Start by practicing the numbers you struggle with the most, such as 132, 138, and 150.
- Break down each number into smaller parts or number sets—for instance, 96 can be reached by throwing three triple twenties and double eighteen.
- Memorize all the possible combinations for each set of numbers, such as knowing that 80 can be hit by two double twenties and double ten.
- Repeat this process until it becomes second nature, and you can instinctively know which combination to throw.
It’s worth noting that memorizing all these number combinations requires time and effort, but it can significantly improve your game and help you count faster.
Understand Matching Numbers
You can make it easier to memorize number combinations by understanding the concept of matching numbers.
This is something I spent countless hours at, it’s not fun and a little boring, however by the end it makes counting so much quicker.
Let me explain.
It’s all about matching numbers with their opposite number, up to 100.
- 0-100
- 1-99
- 2-98
- 3-97
- And so on till 50-50
Keep repeating the numbers till you know instantly that 43 has a remainder of 57 out of 100.
Over time, you will automatically get to know quick subtractions and be able to count much faster.
- Say you have a score of 411 and throw a 74
- You can think of 74 as 63 more than 11
- The opposite of 63 is 37
- So working back from 400 the remaining score will be 337
Use a Pen and Paper
For those looking to improve their dart counting skills, incorporating regular practice games using a pen and paper is very beneficial.
I don’t know a darts player today, that didn’t begin playing that way.
I used to have pages upon pages of scores and games written down in different columns. Old habits die hard, I still use them today.
- Players should write down their starting score (usually 501 or 301) at the top of the page.
- Then, after each turn, they should subtract the total score from that value and write down the remaining total for the next turn.
- This process continues until a player reaches exactly 0 by finishing on a double.
One of the benefits of using a pen and paper is because it allows players to break down large numbers easier and quicker.
Do Not Use a Calculator
If you want to get better at counting in darts, I would avoid using a calculator.
I understand it’s much easier, and there are any number of electronic scoreboards and darts apps that make the job of counting so simple.
In the long run, though, you will still have the problem of not being able to calculate scores properly and will rely too much on them.
Which will show when you play games against other players in competitive places, like league or tournament games, where you won’t be able to use digital counting devices then.
Chalk for Others
A great way of getting faster in darts at counting is to spend some time chalking for others.
It helps players get used to counting under pressure and can seem daunting at first.
I would suggest chalking for others, when you have developed your counting skills first to a decent standard.
There’s no point testing skills you haven’t properly learned yet, however when you do, it can be a great way to put them to the test.
Break Down Large Numbers
Counting skills will mostly become apparent, when it gets to checkout time.
This is where it counts (excuse the pun). If you are left with say 136, and you hit a single 1.
You don’t want to be stood there trying to figure out what is the best out to go for.
To count fast in darts, you need to be able to break down large numbers quick.
There are different ways you can do this, but I find by rounding up or down to the nearest even whole number the easiest.
Let me explain
- You are left with a score of 143 to check out and hit a triple 19 (57)
- I would first deal with the 7 and subtract that from the 143 leaving 136
- Then I would deal with the 50
- It’s easier to subtract the 50 and 7 separate than as one number because 50 is a whole even number
- First, take away the 7 from the 143 (136)
- Then subtract the remaining 50 from 136 leaving 86
Other times, I round up to the nearest whole number, which is a popular way to count by many players.
Example 2:
If someone has a score of 109 remaining and throws a treble 19.
We know instantly that triple 19, being one of the big trebles, is worth 57 points.
- Round up 57 to 60
- Subtract 60 from the score of 109
- Leaves 49
- Add the 3 that we used to round up to 60
- The score remaining is now 52 points
FAQs About How Do Dart Players Count So Quickly?
How Do Dart Players Count So Quickly?
Dart players become fast at mental math due to a combination of practice and a thorough knowledge of the rules in darts. Although they do not have to have a natural aptitude for math, this can certainly help as it will make perfecting the counting process easier.
What Darts Games Can Help Improve Counting Skills?
Some common darts game that can help improve quick addition skills include 501, 301, Cricket, Round the World, and Killer. While each may have slightly different rules, they all require some level of complex counting and subtraction to win.
What Are Some Strategies for Improving Mental Arithmetic in Dart Games?
Some strategies for improving mental arithmetic in dart games include practicing darts math, using a pen and paper to keep track of score, breaking down complicated numbers into smaller chunks to make them easier to subtract.
Do You Have to Be Good at Math to Be Successful at Playing Darts?
An aptitude for math can certainly be helpful, but it is not necessary to succeed at darts. The most important skill is being able to subtract. As you practice and learn the rules of the game, the math will become easier to do quickly.
How Can a Pen and Paper Help with Quick Calculation Techniques in Darts?
It can help with quick calculation techniques in darts by keeping the player focused and giving them something to refer back to so more of their mental energy can go toward their game.