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Here we live, breathe, and dream sports.

We’re not just a team; we’re a league of passionate experts with a lifelong commitment to multiple sports over many years.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions

Discover the Power of Sport

We’re not just passionate about sports; we’re obsessed. We understand the incredible benefits of playing sports, from physical fitness to mental resilience, and we’re here to share that passion with you.

Whether you want to learn new sports, get better at the ones you are playing, or just understand the ins and outs better, you have come to the right place. We are packed with tips and tricks, guides and new ways to enjoy and fuel passion. 

Some of Our Recent Posts

Sports Psychology: Mastering Your Mental Barriers

The psychology behind sports, is often what sets apart the good from the great. Mindfulness in sport, mental toughness, and pressure control is all things that can be developed and learned. Cole Stevens, the founder of playpointers, teaches how to master your mental barriers and achieve behind your sporting potential.


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I stumbled upon your website as a complete novice in pool. Fast-forward a few months, I’m no pool shark, but I’m getting better with the tips, tricks and strategies I found here. Thanks for your expert advice
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I can’t thank you enough for helping me overcome my sports anxieties. Im getting much better at handling pressure like a pro. Playpointers isn’t just about sports; it’s about personal growth!

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I’ve always been a fan of sports but came across darts recently and have fallen in love with the game. Playpointers made it easy and fun to learn. I started with zero knowledge, and now my average is over 80 and have got very close to my first 180
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I was always sporty growing up, but I have found my passion and reinvigorated. I love learning new sports, and have found your articles to be really helpful.

The People Behind

Cole Stevens


Emily Miller


Michael Wilson


Sarah Moore


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