Cracked Pool Cue Shaft! Why It Cracked And How to fix

A cracked pool cue shaft can be a significant setback for any billiards’ player, from amateur enthusiasts to seasoned professionals.
The integrity of a pool cue is crucial for maintaining accuracy, control, and overall performance in the game.
In this comprehensive guide, I will explore the causes of cracked pool cue shafts, methods of prevention, and effective repair solutions.
Key Takeaways
- Understanding Cracked Shafts: Learn about the common causes and implications of a cracked pool cue shaft.
- Prevention Tips: Discover strategies to prevent damage to your pool cue.
- Repair Solutions: Explore professional and DIY repair methods.
- Maintenance Advice: Gain insights into proper care and maintenance to prolong the life of your pool cue.
Can You Fix a Cracked Pool Cue Shaft?
Yes, you can fix a cracked pool cue shaft, but it really depends on the severity of the damage. If the crack is small and doesn’t run too deep into the grains, it is usually fixable.
However, if the damage is more severe, it becomes a little more difficult.
If the shaft has a very large crack, you may need a professional to take a look at it. They will be able to tell you if the shaft is salvageable. Then it is up to you to decide it is worth fixing or not.
Just like fixing dents in the shaft, you don’t need a professional to repair it. In the majority of cracks you can do it yourself, which is obviously the least expensive option, but the one with more work on your end.
If your cue was inexpensive to start with or holds little sentimental value, you may be better off buying a new one. On the other hand, if it is a high quality cue, and it can be fixed, it can last a number of years with good maintenance.
Why Did My Pool Cue Shaft Crack?
One of the most important tools in your arsenal playing pool is your cue stick, and the shaft is pretty important.
To keep it in good condition, a pool cue’s shaft should be cleaned regularly.
Crack shafts can happen for a number of reasons, including
- Wear and tear
- Being dropped on a hard floor
- Through exposure to moisture
Wear and Tear
One of the main reasons can simply boil down to usage.
- Wear and tear is one of the biggest causes of many cue problems, including a tip mushrooming that needs to be scuffed.
- Wear and tear caused from repeated outings can lead to small cracks sometimes developing in the shaft.
Dropped Cue
Wear and tear can be one cause, but the most common cause of cracked shafts comes from mishandling and abuse.
The impact of regularly letting your cue hit a hard floor like concrete, or tiles, will start to take its toll and weaken the shaft, and it will be more vulnerable to cracking.
Exposure to Moisture
Pool cues are susceptible to damage when exposed to moisture.
- If water collects on the pool cue, the tiny fibers in the wood can be penetrated.
- This can lead to cracks in the shaft as well also causing the cue to warp.
Pool cues, like pool tables, should be stored in a climate controlled spaces.
If moisture is a problem, no matter how good you fix the shaft, the same will happen again if humidity levels are not controlled.
Does a Cracked Pool Cue Shaft Make Noise?
Yes, a cracked pool cue shaft can make noise when you strike the cue ball, depending on the size of the crack.
If you don’t notice the crack straight away, the clunking noise can be the first thing that alerts your attention to the damage.
However, the noise can also be confused with either a loose tip, or a loose bolt in the shaft, which is also heard when the cue is used.
Check both the bolts and the tip to see if they need tightening. If not, it is likely a hairline crack in the shaft.
Can You Play With a Cracked Pool Cue Shaft?
The best thing you can do is stop playing with the cue straight away.
- Most serious players will have a back-up cue that they can turn to, while the shaft is being fixed.
- If it is a small crack, you risk making it a lot bigger.
It Might Be Scratched And Not A Cracked!
Often times, what appears like a crack is sometimes just a small scratch on the surface.
Scratches can happen for many reasons.
A common way to cause a scratch is when it gets caught on the zipper of a pool cue case when it is being put in or taken out.
- Typically, a crack will follow the grain of the wood, so won’t normally appear straight.
- If it does seem too straight and not inline with the grain lines, you may just have a small scratch.
How to Fix a Cracked Pool Cue Shaft?
When looking to fix a cracked pool cue shaft, you really have three options;
- Take it to a Cue smith.
- Replace the damaged shaft with a new one.
- Repair the crack yourself.
Fixing a Cracked Pool Cue Shaft Yourself
Sandpaper The Edges
The proper way to fix a cracked cue shaft is to gently pull the seams apart by using sandpaper on the edges inside the crack.
Sandpaper will remove any rough edges and any adhesive.
Fill The Crack
- You can now use a thin superglue or high quality wood glue to fill the crack.
- Thin glue works great for small cracks, while a larger crack is best filled with a gel glue or epoxy to fill the crack.
Clamp The Shaft
When you have applied your adhesive, you will need to clamp the crack in the shaft tight.
You can use a rubber band to keep it together while the glue dries.
Alternatively, you can use a rubber-faced clamp to close it.
You don’t need too much force, just enough pressure is needed, so there is no sliding of the wood.
Wipe Away Loose Adhesive
Use a damp paper towel to wipe away any adhesive that falls out as it is clamped.
Leave it to set for a few hours before removing the clamping device.
You might need to remove some further adhesive that crept out onto the surface using fine-grit sandpaper.